Welcome to the June issue of VBconnect, where you'll get all the "news you can use" about growing your business with tools, tips and technology from VirtualBarter.
New at VirtualBarter
VirtualBarter welcomes a group of dynamic entrepreneurs that just launched a vBarter enabled barter exchange in Israel. The challenge was to translate the vBarter trading platform into Hebrew, flip all of the pages to read right to left, and integrate vBarter into their content managed website to provide members with a unique seamless user experience.
Introducing the vBarter Breakfast Club!
Be sure and see next months e-newsletter, where we'll be introducing our virtual tutorials. Each e-newsletter moving forward will include VB software educational links for help with front and backend exchange administration. This is perfect if you can't make one of our online hosted demos. We'll be archiving these on our Knowledge Base, site and blog area as well.
New features are added each week to enhance Item Listings, Member Management and Email templates.
New vBarter software features
The new enhancement to the ITEM Manager makes it easier for exchanges as well as members to manage and edit their item listings in your exchange.
Now, when you click on the Item Name, the edit screen pops-up in a new window. After you view or edit, and then save or close the window, you will be in the same place on the Item Manager, so that you can click, view, or edit additional items.
When you click View, a new window pops up to display the item as it appears in the marketplace.
Now that the latest listings automatically default to display at the top of the list when you click on Item Manager, you can view all of the listings that were added each day by checking the Posted Date, then click on View to view the listing. Then if need be, click on Edit to modify the listing, and then Save it.
If this is done at the end of each day, then the daily auto-generated email should be good to go so that members receive it each and every morning.
Also, new sort filters and indicators were added to the column headers so that when you click on a header to re-sort the listings, the header becomes highlighted with an up or down arrow so that you can resort A to Z or Z to A, etc.
IRTA Update
Big News! IRTA'S Universal Currency (UC) exchange, using a customized version of the vBarter exchange management software platform, was launched to rave reviews last month.
Today, over 100 member exchanges are listing a vast array of travel, media, products and services. UC is ideal for exchanges to increase trading and enhance member satisfaction.
Learn how you can benefit and increase your trade velocity by joining UC. Contact us for details.
"UC is excited about our move to VB software and is looking forward to working closely with the VB family of exchanges. We have a terrific Las Vegas Venetian Resort Convention coming up from September 19-21 2013, see the convention program schedule. We encourage you to take advantage of our special VB IRTA membership and convention offers! Please feel free to contact me directly if you have any questions about IRTA membership, or the Las Vegas Convention at ron@irta.com or 757-393-2292."
Ron Whitney
IRTA Executive Director
UC Administrator
Upcoming events
Start planning for the 2013 IRTA International Convention in Las Vegas this September.
The International Reciprocal Trade Association (IRTA), the world's leading association and advocate for the barter and trade industry, is pleased to announce its 34th Annual International Convention will be held at the five-star world renowned Las Vegas Venetian Resort Hotel from September 19-21 2013.
Be sure to plan on attending our two hour exclusive VirtualBarter seminar on Saturday morning, September 21st to learn about new technology advances that will provide your exchange with many new benefits to catapult your trade velocity. Let us know if you can join us! click here
>>>>Get the FREE IRTA convention app today!<<<<<
Let's make some noise about the 2013 IRTA Convention!
Connect, network, schedule meetings, and get up to the minute updates! Download the app today to join the community and make networking easier, more productive and fun, while helping IRTA to mobilize and socialize the convention. get the app here
Special offers from IRTA for VB exchanges
Attend the IRTA International Convention in Las Vegas. Join UC to expand trade opportunities for members, and join IRTA, all at huge savings!
Plan A - Trade, Network & Grow at the IRTA International Convention in Las Vegas - 10% discount (in cash and trade) on convention registration fees. If interested, let us know.
click here
Plan B - Includes Plan A + Join UC and get access to over a thousand trade opportunities for members, as well as new distribution channels to increase sales - First 3 months, no monthly UC fee - a $150 cash savings. If interested, let us know. click here
Plan C - Includes Plan A + Plan B + IRTA Membership. Get reduced convention pricing + added benefits + first 3 months no UC monthly fee + 10% discount on any IRTA membership category for the first year. If interested, let us know. click here
And, new exchanges in business less than 3 years can now join IRTA for a $270 membership fee for the first year when attending the convention and joining UC. A $730 savings!
Revenue generating ideas that help you to succeed
Credit Clearing Solutions
Be the hero for your members! Credit Clearing Solutions resolves collection issues by converting your member's outstanding receivables into full value with no loss and no write down.
Collecting cash from debtors can be painful, difficult, time-consuming, and unpleasant. Particularly when they don't have sufficient cash flow to pay their debts! Credit Clearing Solutions has solved the dilemma with a unique collection model. Learn more or Register to become an agent and start earning cash residuals today!
Merchant Rewards Network
A powerful advantage for your members! The Merchant Rewards Network empowers your members that accept Credit Cards to reduce their cash requirements for purchasing the products and services they need, and to increase sales through new marketing channels to new customers locally, across the nation, or throughout the world. Learn more
VirtualBarter gets Linked-In!
You can now find VirtualBarter on LinkedIn! Send us an invite if you want to
connect. Also be sure and join our group there: "Barter Software".
If you love us, please consider sending a recommendation.
COMING SOON: Google+, Facebook, and Twitter are in the works - we'll be
sure to keep you updated!
Pro tips
Use segmentations to set up email distribution lists that can be used to send emails to various segments of members. check it out
Increase trade velocity by setting up an automated email hotlist to send members new trade opportunities every day. check it out
Our Knowledge Base is a fantastic source for answers to common questions for you or your members. check it out
Consumer Loyalty App
Set-up a loyalty program in minutes, using this modern day mobile app to track the number of purchases and reward customers for returning to your business.
We have set-up a 10 day free trial for exchanges and their members.
Many barter exchanges face the ongoing challenge of prospecting and adding new members to their exchange each month in order to consistently provide existing members with new trade opportunities.
There are various ways to portray your exchange to prospects, and you may find that a paradigm shift in your presentation could minimize the challenge and objections, or eliminate prospects not understanding what a barter exchange is and how it can help their business.
Perhaps you have been positioning your business as a barter exchange where member companies can trade their products and services with each other to reduce cash requirements for purchasing. Or maybe, you are marketing your exchange as a way to increase sales by getting new business from new customers that wouldn't have ordinarily purchased from a business.
Over one billion credit and debit cards (branded with Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express) are used by businesses and consumers worldwide to pay for their purchases, and merchants receive an instant approval or decline decision.
Merchants understand getting paid with credit cards. So why wouldn't you relate your exchange to a payment system just like MasterCard. Except with your payment system, when cardholders receive their statement at the beginning of each month, they don't send cash to pay for their purchases. They pay for their purchases with their own product or service.
Your Trade Card branded with your exchange's logo could be the credit card of the future that can be enabled to process trade transactions, reward programs, loyalty programs, consumer discount programs and so much more, so that transactions can be processed in real time using existing merchant terminals where MasterCard is accepted at 28 million merchants in 210 countries throughout the world.
When trade becomes as easy as the current and future payment processing platforms in the cash world, exchanges, transactions and participating businesses will flourish.