Exceptional Technology

Future proof your barter exchange with evolutionary trading apps and transaction processing technologies that leave other barter software in the dust. Easily extend your reach to social networking sites, business networks and online publications with web services that will separate your exchange from the pack, as well as foster growth and enhanced profitability.


So much more than just barter software to manage your exchange, VirtualBarter under promises and over delivers by introducing a brilliant array of possibilities that include Open Source Content Management, Social Networking Apps, Web Services and Consumer Loyalty Programs, as well as Point of Purchase Platinum Trade Cards, Scrip Cards and Gift Cards that enhance client satisfaction.

Business Services

Reduce member attrition, increase value and income, and own your members forever. Provide enhanced business services that include credit card merchant accounts, cash equivalent advances of $50,000 to $5 million for major purchases, Trade Card processing, a Rewards Program that provides barter dollars just for accepting credit cards, a Loyalty Program for their cash customers, and perhaps a gift card program for their employees.

Corporate Trade

Corporate Barter provides new profit opportunities for the world's largest companies. These trade principles can be applied to almost any company of any size that have two basic requirements: the desire to increase sales and a need to purchase. So, get on the bus... Partner with us to facilitate large corporate trades so you can earn substantial cash revenues as well as inventories, without doing any heavy lifting.

More Money
Your success makes us warm and fuzzy and fortifies our mission. So, we make the introductions you need to become wildly connected. From a $100 million media fund, to real estate trading, barter mortgages, syndicated radio shows, equity investments, merchant services, and corporate trade, we help you break down the barriers, so you can evolutionize your barter business.