So many design possibilities... Unlike other barter software, with VirtualBarter you have limitless design potential, as you're not limited to the same standard unappealing template used by every other barter exchange.
And, if you want a different unique design just for your exchange, you can get started with a Basic Subscription using the standard design template in 24 hours and then, we can enhance and integrate your custom design later.
VirtualBarter offers custom designed barter exchange websites that are exclusive and unique for your exchange. These custom exchanges can have software plug-ins such as feedback, tell a friend (viral marketing), community applications, social networking, iPhone and Android App integration, and so much more.
Custom designed exchange sites can also combine other applications such as Joomla or Wordpress open source content management, where all of the apps have the same design theme so that your member's get a single sign on and seamless user experience between apps.
The most exciting part of the vBarter Application platform is Software as a Service (SaaS), so that you can remain focused on your barter business rather than designing and developing websites and dealing with ongoing technology demands.
Contact us today for a free barter software consultation or tour!