Barter News Sidebars

New Dual Currency Credit Card Will Catapult Barter Industry To Unprecedented Heights!

A TradeBanc credit card will be available to all trade partners—members of trade exchanges and clients of corporate barter companies. Known as the TradeBanc Corporate Visa Card, it may be used for regular cash purchases or trade purchases in the barter world—but not on the internet.

For example, a member of a trade exchange in New York can go to Southern California, eat in a restaurant that’s a member of a Los Angeles trade exchange and pay with their TradeBanc Corporate Visa Card—if the L.A. trade exchange is also a TradeBanc affiliate. The credit card would automatically recognize and process the barter purchase.

Conversely, when the same TradeBanc Corporate Visa Card is used at a non-barter restaurant in Southern California, the encoded card would recognize and automatically note that it’s a cash purchase.

New Consumer Card Will Drive Business To Trade Exchange Members

A huge consumer market is not presently being served by the barter industry. But that’s about to change with TradeBanc Consumer Visa Card being introduced and issued to consumers, who will then participate in TradeBanc as buyers.

This consumer card promises to drive an enormous amount of new business to members of a trade exchange—known as preferred merchants. Why will the consumer want to use the TradeBanc Consumer Visa Card at a preferred merchant establishment? Because every purchase they make means a 20% cash discount, plus they will also earn frequent buyer BancPoints—one point per dollar spent.

When the holder of the TradeBanc Consumer Visa Card makes a purchase at a preferred merchant (member of a trade exchange) the merchant is automatically paid 50% cash and 50% trade credits.

Barter News Magazine